Kent, OH 44240
ph: 330-931-8371
fax: 330-563-4799
Preparing your home correctly greatly increases your chances of having a successfull extermination and becoming bed bug free. We know correct preparation can be overwhelming, time consuming and open to error. Bed Bug Home Preparatation Service (BBHPS) provides the following services, but will also work with your pest control company to make sure your home is prepared correctly and up to their strict specifications. You can have BBHPS perform several or all of our services.
**Our services are free to any tenant on PASSPORT (a portion of Medicaid) or MyCare Ohio.
Remove wall hanging items (pictures, clocks, shelves, etc.) vacuum, bag and seal
Remove all glass figurines, picture frames, books, CDs, DVDs, etc. vacuum, bag, box and seal
Remove all clothing from dressers, closets, floors, launder, bag and seal
Remove all bedding, linens, towels, small floor rugs, curtains, launder, bag and seal
Remove all items from closet floors vacuum, heat treat, bag and seal
Vacuum all empty drawers, floors, and baseboards
Place all sealed bags in designated storage area, or in the middle of the apartment rooms if storage space is unavailable
Remove vacuum bag and dispose of in outside dumpster, if available
Launder all fabric items (that will not be damaged by heat) for 30 minutes in a drier
Dirty bags will be sealed and taken to the outside dumpster, if available
Clean fabric items will be placed into clean plastic bags and sealed
Rehang wall hanging items
Put all clothing back into drawers or hang in closets
Put all linens, towels, rugs, curtains back into apartment
Unpack all glass figurines, picture frames, etc and place back into apartment
Make bed
Vacuum floors, if needed
Dispose of all boxes and bags in the outside dumpster, if available
Copyright 2013 Bed Bug Home Preparation Service. All rights reserved.
Kent, OH 44240
ph: 330-931-8371
fax: 330-563-4799